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Phoenix UI: Vol 1 – for iPhone 6 / Free PSD

Phoenix UI: Vol 1 – for iPhone 6 / Free PSD


Adrian Chiran consistently shares his work for free with other designers, this time around he is sharing Pheonix UI — a mobile UI kit for iOS that consists of twelve individual screens. First screen is for community sharing, similar to Instagram; users can share their photos, tag their locations and leave a comment. Then there is the user profile screen, where users can explore their inbox and change their profile settings, yes — there’s a separate screen for message inbox, a sign in screen, a screen for fitness applications that can track multiple user profiles at once and compare their performance, a calendar for businesses where team members can tag themselves in the events, on the visual content screens, people can tag themselves as having been to the particular location themselves. The screens come in two different style/color choices. Minimal dark, and minimal light

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