These are the top “8 WORST Reasons to do freelancing”. I have 8 because I couldn’t think of 10 right now HAHA.
OK, there’s a bunch so let me think of these in order of importance.
- You have no boss. This can be a blessing and a curse for some. If you’re the type of person that needs to be told what to do, and for them to keep you in check this may not be a good idea. Freelancing requires you to be disciplined with a work schedule. It’s easy to just screw off at home and not work hard, because you can simply do nothing.
- There’s no guarantee. This can be disconcerting because you never really know what next week holds. You have to have a firm stomach and enough confidence in yourself to handle that the possibility of not having work next week.
- Zero support. You’re not going to get any support from the government or your employer. You’re going to have to take care of all your costs, and if you run into issues, there’s no way to collect unemployment.
- No schedule. Be prepared for many people in your life to not like you very much because you don’t keep a normal schedule. Most likely your clients will hit you up outside work hours, and you’ll need to respond to them or you’ll probably piss off the client.
- Your clients are your bosses. I know this goes against #1, but the truth is, you need to treat your clients like they’re your boss. You need to make them happy so they continue to pay them. This makes it truly important for you to learn how to fix issues and massage situations so they work in your favor.
- You’ll need to spend your own time. You’re not going to always get compensated for your time. Most of the type of time that goes without reimbursement is time spent learning different skills. While some jobs allow you to learn while you earn, you’ll need to know enough to get the job in the first place.
- It never ends. Unlike most jobs that have vacation times and maybe retirement, you’ll most likely be chasing the dragon for a while. I’m constantly on the hunt for finding bigger clients and achieving higher goals.
- It’s lonely. Unlike normal jobs, where you can share your day with others, freelancing is a lonely road. This helps prepare you for quarantine, but I don’t recommend it forever.
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